It’s a 3-in-1 Membership Investment Deal

Become a member of three outstanding organizations when you join NEFBA.

NEFBA Membership Logos

Your Membership Saves You Money

As a NEFBA Member, you’ll receive special benefits that include member-to-member discounts,
financial payments through our rebate programs, travel discounts, and much more. Some of these member benefits can alone pay your
membership investment for this year and next.

NEFBA is Beneficial for Business Partnerships

One advantage of being a member of the largest builder’s association in Florida is the opportunity to network with
thousands of other dedicated members, but it doesn’t stop there! NEFBA provides essential resources, representation, and education for our
members and community. Members enjoy unmatched rewards such as:


With over 1,200 local members and 140,000 nationally, our voice is stronger together. Get involved with matters that improve housing affordability, codes and standards, and our local, state, and federal economy. As a NEFBA member, you can represent the home construction industry.

Local and national experts keep members up-to-date on the latest technology, business operations, and marketing strategies.

Builders Care, the Charitable Foundation, and the Apprenticeship Program help serve the community by meeting the needs of individuals and other nonprofit organizations in the area.

Types of Memberships

“Member benefits are increased exponentially in relation to the level of participation.
Members who jump in and contribute have a voice in decision making, make more important contacts and develop long-term profitable
relationships.” — Past NEFBA President


Associate members may be a person, firm, or corporation licensed to do business or any person or entity offering professional services of any kind to the building industry, such as architectural, real estate brokerage, engineering, electrical, plumbing, marketing, design, financial services, etc., or any form of business that benefits/serves the industry.

An individual of a member company NOT listed as the ‘member of record’ may fully join as an Affiliate member.

Affiliate membership is a great way to maximize the value of an existing Builder or Associate membership and for the business you work for to get the most out of having its employees actively involved at local, state, and national levels. As an Affiliate member, you’ll have access to many of the same great benefits NEFBA, FHBA, and NAHB offer Builder and Associate members, but with a lower overall impact on the bottom line.

Additional employees will help your company grow its presence in the local market and allow you to build new professional relationships to grow your business and thrive.

Young Professional Affiliate and 40 & Under members connect employees of member companies to NEFBA.

Membership Benefits

Unlock Exclusive Benefits with Membership: Save Money and Enjoy Premium Access to NEFBA, Florida Home Builders
Association, and the National Association of Home Builders


  • Subscription to Florida Home Builder magazine
  • Access to the member-only section of
  • Receive FHBA Meeting and Event Notifications
  • Receive money saving discounts and more by taking advantage of the FHBA Discount Program, National Purchasing Partners (pays for membership)
  • Reduced registration for Southeast Builders Conference
  • Eligible to join FHBA committees, councils, and task forces
  • Eligible to serve as chair/vice chair of FHBA committees

  • Access to the member-only section of
  • Discounts on all publications and conferences
  • Access to Member Advantage discounts (Pays for membership over and over again)
  • Reduced registration for International Builders’ Show
  • Eligible for NAHB committees, councils, and task forces
  • Eligible to serve as chair/vice chair of NAHB subcommittees

Join Today to Access Exclusive Rewards and Perks.